jueves, 9 de marzo de 2017

Services with everything the ICT enabled digital tranformation of services

Resultado de imagen para SERVICES
Services transformation unfolding
Turning to services in pursuit of value.
Algorithmic revolution transforms activities
Task underlying services can be codifable

  • Repositioning services to avoid accommodation
Some firms shift their bossinesses from selling products to offering service often delivered via ICT
Products can be transformed into services
Products can become portals to services
  • Blurring the boundaries between manufacturing and services
Economic analysis
services transformation
Resultado de imagen para service
  • services:
Irreducible services: Humans deliver the service
Hybrid services: Combination of humans and electronic
Automated services:

  • Drivers of transformation
2 matters.
Is always beginning of the story a-cycle
How to maintain the advantage

  • Spiral of accommodation and competition
Competition based on price for the routine and established.

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