martes, 28 de febrero de 2017

Processes, performance drivers and ICT tools in Human Resources

Resultado de imagen para human resources
Human resources management.

"Strategic, integrated and coherent approach to the employment"

There are six scential keys of an Human Resources.
  • Organization
  • Ethics
  • Problem solving
  • Leadership
  • Communication
  • Expertise
Human resources managers can do a lot of task as preparing, managing, instilling, create motivation programs, evaluating and outplacement and discharge.  

Kaplan, Grundy and Brown.
Henceforth use to mark activities or actions to increase potencial.
Resultado de imagen para human resources performance management

Effective use of ICT for education and learning

"Knowledge, research and experience"

Practice and procedures of nearly forms.
    Resultado de imagen para teaching
  •  Education 
  • Reading.
  • Writing .
  • Numeracy. 
That lead to grow in TEACHING and LEARNING.

This helps to enhancing, teaching and learning preocess as it give access on abundance information from multiple perspective.

Resultado de imagen para teachingThe learning motivation
Teaching also retained in their mind longer. 

jueves, 23 de febrero de 2017

The new ICT and translation competence.

The competence in translation is  almost brand new, and it is comparable with the Chomsky theory of competence and performance
Resultado de imagen para machine translation
To be a good translator there's some things that you have to have, as the capability and skills.

 The term that we use the most is  "Ability to carry out the transfer process from comprehesion of source to re-expression".

Model of translation.
  • Expert knowledge
  • Procedural knowledge
  • Interrelated sub-competences.  
  • Bilingual:Underlying sistem and skills  
  • Extra-lunguistic:Encyclopedic, thematic and bicultural knowledge.
  • Instrumental: Sources of documentation and ICT
  • Strategic: All others.
Resultado de imagen para machine translationICT in translation field.
Machine translation.
Computer assited translation
Concordance generator programs

 Phases of translation.
  1. Reception
  2. TRansfer phase
  3. Formulation phase.  

jueves, 16 de febrero de 2017

ICT for translation and interpretation.

Resultado de imagen para experienceGlobal crisis
325 euros of loss per business.
Education for tackle the problem and experiential an situated learning.
Theoretical and practical knowledge.


Resultado de imagen para john dewey
Jhon Dewey father of functional psychology, "Methodological aproach"

1.-Consideration of actual experience.
2.-Indentify a problem .
3.-Writing hypotesis.
Resultado de imagen para Graham Gibbs Reflective Cycle.4.-Prove it.

 Graham Gibbs Reflective Cycle.

Professional experience, based in field observations.

Empowering students and professional skills.
Wiki tool.

VLE= Virtual learning environment. Construction of knowledge. Access to expert performance.

Reflexive and critical learning experience.
Will foster flexibility and awareness in professional experience.
Software for translation  have a long way to go.

jueves, 2 de febrero de 2017

History of information technology.

Resultado de imagen para pre mechanical and mechanical era

Premechanical and mechanical ERA.

With wich fact started premechanical era?
Sumerian cuneiform script.
What is the most important development?
the Alphabet
Who made the first computer program?
Ada Augusta Lovelace
What was Gutenberg's invention?    
The movible middle tipe printing process.

 Resultado de imagen para gutenberg tipos moviles