martes, 28 de marzo de 2017

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day

Image result for valentines day       The rise of Internet popularity at the turn of the millennium is creating new traditions. Millions of people use, every year, digital means of creating and sending Valentine's Day greeting messages such as e-cards, love cupons or printable greeting cards. An estimated 15 million e-valentines were sent in 2010.
       Is an annual holiday celebrated on February 14. It is named like that bcause of the saint  Valentinus who married couples of christian soldiers that was forbidden in that time, he was persecuted and during his imprisonment healed the daughter of his jailer and before his execution, he wrote her a letter signed "Your Valentine" as a farewell.

        In 18th-century England, it evolved into an occasion in which lovers expressed their love for each other by presenting flowers, offering confectionary and sending greeting cards.
Related image
        Valentine's Day symbols that are used today include the heart-shape outline, doves, and the figure of the winged Cupid.
       Here in Mexico people celebrate Valentine's Day giving present, cards, goint to restaurants, hotels, to the movies and the theater.

ICT in the Service of Multiculturalism.

Resultado de imagen para multiculturalidadContact hypothesis
condictions for succcsess contact:
  • equal-grouop status
  • common goals
  • intergroup cooperation
  • institutional support.

Problems with face to face contact.

  1. Logistics of group meetings
  2. Need to meet with another group from a nerby geographical location
  3. Growing trasportation costs.

Online inter-group contact ypothesis.
Aim to adapat the original contact

Collaboration as group rather than individual.
General subjects.
Participant collaboration rather than competition.

Resultado de imagen para clases en multiculturalidadThe multicultural contact creates an enviroment of equality and peace, this is a way for us to keep the contact with others cultures wich will give us a greater knowledge of things. 

jueves, 9 de marzo de 2017

Services with everything the ICT enabled digital tranformation of services

Resultado de imagen para SERVICES
Services transformation unfolding
Turning to services in pursuit of value.
Algorithmic revolution transforms activities
Task underlying services can be codifable

  • Repositioning services to avoid accommodation
Some firms shift their bossinesses from selling products to offering service often delivered via ICT
Products can be transformed into services
Products can become portals to services
  • Blurring the boundaries between manufacturing and services
Economic analysis
services transformation
Resultado de imagen para service
  • services:
Irreducible services: Humans deliver the service
Hybrid services: Combination of humans and electronic
Automated services:

  • Drivers of transformation
2 matters.
Is always beginning of the story a-cycle
How to maintain the advantage

  • Spiral of accommodation and competition
Competition based on price for the routine and established.

Translation and Technology

I think that people tend to use this kind of translators as Google because they do not know any translator or they are in a hurry.

Resultado de imagen para translation and technology
Points needing attention. 
  • Translation tools are great et identifying matches on sentences
  • Translation tools needs to accommodate the specific needs of particular language

Language, any tolls purport

The purpose of project Study of issues sorrounnd the adoption of ict

  • Document production activities
  • Information search and retrieval activities
Online dictionaries or glossaries
multiterm, lingo and termwatch.

  • Translation creation activities
computer aided trasnlation
  • Communication activities
Electronic mail. Broadband.
  • Marketing and work procurement activities
online translators in market place
  • Business management activities
Spreadsheets packeges

  • Attitudes in ICT
Time saving
Higher quiality services
imprive in communication with clients

  • Implications
Newly-qualified translators embarking a freelance career.

Resultado de imagen para translation and technologyThe use of digital translators can be bad for the qualified translators because it takes their jobs away, bur there are some dictionaries that are useful for the translator to use it to improve its job and give more qualified works.